Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Kanye's Confederate Flag Apparel: Message or Stunt?

The Yeezus Tour apparel has been stirring up controversy. The confederate flag, which is displayed on a number of the rappers' tour tees have bloggers, fans, Kanye-haters and everyone in between wondering if this is a publicity stunt! Obviously the flags representation in the public can stir up controversy, but Kanye, a black male wearing a flag that is basically against anything African American can make an audience wonder what type of message is he trying to send. Could this possibly connect to two of his tracks on the Yeezus album "Black Skinhead" and "New Slaves"? Or is Kanye just trying to get a reaction out of the public? Guess we'll have to wait until he goes on another twitter rant! 

Get Your Copy of the Style of Music Issue!

Have you purchased your copy of the Style of Music Issue? After waiting for November 2nd to roll around, the issue is finally here! Get it while it's hot!