Sunday, September 14, 2014

NYFW Bloggers

During Fashion Week, the public focuses more so on the models and designers presenting their new collections, that is, after all what Fashion Week is about. Those fashionable audience participants viewing the new looks are often passed over, as they are just there for the shows. For as stylish as they are, these fashionistas are often passed over by the media. Well, instead of focusing on the designer, the bloggers of fashion week deserve some praise. The select shows they attend, and the documentation of the looks and the after parties glorify the internet as they type out their memories and add their own looks from the day. There were many fashion bloggers attending NYFW, but these three were intriguing from their impeccable style. There is Rachel Martino, from blog Rach Martino sporting the ASOS Floral Midi Skirt, and Grasie from blog Style Me Grasie wearing a Dee Hutton lace top dress in blue, and Aimee from blog Song of Style wearing BCBG. The bloggers should be recognized for their impressive style, and recognition they will receive.